Contact Us

Special Equestrians Inc.
- Physical Address: 5121 Staley Road Fort Myers, FL 33905
- Mailing Address: PO Box 61528 Fort Myers, FL 33906-1528
- Call Us: 239-226-1221
- Email Us:
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Step by step directions to Special Equestrians
From North
From South
- Take I-75 South to exit 141.
- Go East (left) on Highway 80 - .3 mile
- Turn right on Orange River Blvd. - .3 mile
- Turn left to stay on Orange River Blvd. – 1.2 miles
- Turn right on Staley Road - .7 mile
- Special Equestrians will be on your left.
- Take I-75 North to exit 139
- Go East (right) on Lucket Road - .3 mile
- Turn Left on Country Lakes Drive - 1.0 mile
- Turn Right on Tice Road - 1.0 mile
- Turn Right on Staley Road - .1 mile
- Special Equestrians is the third driveway, on your left.